The mode of a multiset of labels, is a label that occurs at least as often as any other label. The input to the range mode problem is an array A of size n. A range query [i, j] must return the mode of the subarray A[i], A[i + 1], . . . , A[j]. We prove that any data structure that uses S memory cells of w bits needs Ω( log n log(Sw/n) ) time to answer a range mode query. Secondly, we consider the related range k-frequency problem. The input to this problem is an array A of size n, and a query [i, j] must return whether there exists a label that occurs precisely k times in the subarray A[i], A[i+1], . . . , A[j]. We show that for any constant k > 1, this problem is equivalent to 2D orthogonal rectangle stabbing, and that for k = 1 this is no harder than four-sided 3D orthogonal range emptiness. Finally, we consider approximate range mode queries. A c-approximate range mode query must return a label that occurs at least 1/c times that of the mode. We describe a linear space data str...