

Clustering with Diversity

14 years 7 months ago
Clustering with Diversity
Abstract. We consider the clustering with diversity problem: given a set of colored points in a metric space, partition them into clusters such that each cluster has at least points, all of which have distinct colors. We give a 2-approximation to this problem for any when the objective is to minimize the maximum radius of any cluster. We show that the approximation ratio is optimal unless P = NP, by providing a matching lower bound. Several extensions to our algorithm have also been developed for handling outliers. This problem is mainly motivated by applications in privacy-preserving data publication. Key words: Approximation algorithm, k-center, k-anonymity, l-diversity
Jian Li, Ke Yi, Qin Zhang
Added 19 Jul 2010
Updated 19 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Jian Li, Ke Yi, Qin Zhang
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