

Automata for Coalgebras: An Approach Using Predicate Liftings

14 years 7 months ago
Automata for Coalgebras: An Approach Using Predicate Liftings
Universal Coalgebra provides the notion of a coalgebra as the natural mathematical generalization of state-based evolving systems such as (infinite) words, trees, and transition systems. We lift the theory y automata to a coalgebraic level of abstraction by introducing, for a set Λ of predicate liftings associated with a set functor T , the notion of a Λ-automata operating on coalgebras of type T . In a familiar way these automata correspond to extensions of coalgebraic modal logics with least and greatest fixpoint operators. Our main technical contribution is a general bounded model property result: We provide a construction that transforms an arbitrary Λ-automaton A with nonempty language into a small pointed coalgebra (S, s) of type T that is recognized by A, and of size exponential in that of A. S is obtained in a uniform manner, on the basis of the winning strategy in our satisfiability game associated with A. On the basis of our proof we obtain a general upper bound for the...
Gaëlle Fontaine, Raul Andres Leal, Yde Venema
Added 19 Jul 2010
Updated 19 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Gaëlle Fontaine, Raul Andres Leal, Yde Venema
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