

Kernel regression for travel time estimation via convex optimization

14 years 7 months ago
Kernel regression for travel time estimation via convex optimization
—We develop an algorithm aimed at estimating travel time on segments of a road network using a convex optimization framework. Sampled travel time from probe vehicles are assumed to be known and serve as a training set for a machine learning algorithm to provide an optimal estimate of the travel time for all vehicles. A kernel method is introduced to allow for a non-linear relation between the known entry times and the travel times that we want to estimate. To improve the quality of the estimate, we minimize the estimation error over a convex combination of known kernels. This problem is shown to be a semi-definite program. A rank-one decomposition is used to convert it to a linear program which can be solved efficiently.
Sebastien Blandin, Laurent El Ghaoui, Alexandre M.
Added 21 Jul 2010
Updated 21 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CDC
Authors Sebastien Blandin, Laurent El Ghaoui, Alexandre M. Bayen
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