In this paper we discuss some of our recent research work designing tabletop interfaces for co-located photo sharing. We draw particular attention to a specific feature of an interface design, which we have observed over an extensive number of uses, as facilitating an under-reported but nonethe-less intriguing aspect of the photo-sharing experience – namely the process of ‘getting sidetracked’. Through a series of vignettes of interaction during photo-sharing sessions we demonstrate how users of our tabletop photoware system used peripheral presentation of topically incoherent photos to artfully initiate new photo-talk sequences in on-going discourse. From this we draw implications for the design of tabletop photo applications, and for the experiential analysis of such devices. Author Keywords Photoware, photo-talk, tabletop, sidetracking, randomness. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 [User Interfaces]: Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), Input devices and strategies. H.5.3 [Group ...