

Experience report: embedded, parallel computer-vision with a functional DSL

14 years 7 months ago
Experience report: embedded, parallel computer-vision with a functional DSL
This paper presents our experience using a domain-specific functional language, WaveScript, to build embedded sensing applications used in scientific research. We focus on a recent computervision application for detecting birds in their natural environment. The application was ported from a prototype in C++. In reimplementing the application, we gained a much cleaner factoring of its functionality (through higher-order functions and better interfaces to libraries) and a near-linear parallel speed-up with no additional effort. These benefits are offset by one substantial downside: the lack of familiarity with the language of the original vision researchers, who understandably tried to use the language in the familiar way they use C++ and thus ran into various problems. Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.3.2 Concurrent, distributed, and parallel languages; Applicative (functional) languages; Data-flow languages General Terms: Design, Languages, Performance
Ryan Newton, Teresa Ko
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICFP
Authors Ryan Newton, Teresa Ko
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