

RoboEarth: connecting robots worldwide

14 years 5 months ago
RoboEarth: connecting robots worldwide
In this paper, we present the core concept and the benefits of an approach called RoboEarth which will be highly beneficial for future robotic applications in science and industry. RoboEarth is a world-wide platform which robots can use to exchange position and map information as well as task-related, hardwareindependent action recipes. This will enable manufacturers worldwide to break down their costs and efforts for reproducing software algorithms for robot behavior over and over again. The RoboEarth framework can store all relevant data from algorithms to complex behavior descriptions what allows robots to act autonomously in an unknown, unspecified environment. Especially in the field of interaction with humans RoboEarth can bring forward the behavior of robots and simplify the software design for developers in that field. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2 [Database Management], I.2.4 [Knowledge Representation Formalisms and Methods], I.2.6 [Learning], I.2.9 [Robotics] Genera...
Oliver Zweigle, René van de Molengraft, Raf
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Oliver Zweigle, René van de Molengraft, Raffaello d'Andrea, Kai Häussermann
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