

Technology flavor selection and adaptive techniques for timing-constrained 45nm subthreshold circuits

14 years 5 months ago
Technology flavor selection and adaptive techniques for timing-constrained 45nm subthreshold circuits
We investigate techniques to design 45nm minimum-energy subthreshold CMOS circuits under timing constraints, considering the practical case of an 8-bit multiplier. We first show that technology flavor and Vt selections shift minimumenergy point to different operating frequencies, thereby enabling minimum energy in either low- or mid-performance applications. However, we demonstrate that independent dual-Vt assignment to save leakage in non-critical paths is not feasible. We then show that reverse adaptive body biasing (ABB) is potentially more efficient to compensate for global process/temperature variations than adaptive voltage scaling and forward ABB. Nevertheless, its practical efficiency is limited by the affordable VBB range and the value of the body-effect coefficient. Categories and Subject Descriptors B.7.1 [Hardware]: Types and Design Styles; B.8.2 [Hardware]: Performance Analysis and Design Aids. General Terms Design, performance. Keywords CMOS digital integrated circ...
David Bol, Denis Flandre, Jean-Didier Legat
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors David Bol, Denis Flandre, Jean-Didier Legat
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