

Generalized bitplane-by-bitplane shift method for JPEG2000 ROI coding

15 years 3 months ago
Generalized bitplane-by-bitplane shift method for JPEG2000 ROI coding
One interesting feature of the new JPEG2000 image coding standard is support of region of interest (ROI) coding using the maximum shift (Maxshift) method, which allows for arbitrarily shaped ROI image compression without shape coding or explicitly transmitting any shape information to the decoder. The major disadvantage of the Maxshift method is that it cannot adjust the scaling value which determines the degree of relative importance between the ROI and the background wavelet coefficients. The bitplaneby-bitplane shift (BbBShift) method was introduced to support both arbitrary ROI shape and arbitrary scaling without shape coding. In this paper, we propose a generalize BbBShift (GBbBShift) method, which delivers much more flexibility than both Maxshift and BbBShift for "degree-of-interest" adjustment of the ROI with insignificant effect on coding efficiency and computational complexity. Experiments show that it can provide significantly better visual quality than Maxshift at...
Zhou Wang, Serene Banerjee, Brian L. Evans, Alan C
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICIP
Authors Zhou Wang, Serene Banerjee, Brian L. Evans, Alan C. Bovik
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