

Fast networking with socket-outsourcing in hosted virtual machine environments

14 years 7 months ago
Fast networking with socket-outsourcing in hosted virtual machine environments
This paper proposes a novel method of achieving fast networking in hosted virtual machine (VM) environments. This method, called socket-outsourcing, replaces the socket layer in a guest operating system (OS) with the socket layer of the host OS. Socket-outsourcing increases network performance by eliminating duplicate message copying in both the host OS and the guest OS. Furthermore, socket-outsourcing significantly enhances inter-VM communication within the same host OS since it enables network packets to bypass the protocol stack in guest OSes. Socketoutsourcing was implemented in two representative operating systems (Linux and NetBSD) and on two virtual machine monitors (Linux KVM and PansyVM). These virtual machine monitors provided support for socket-outsourcing through shard memory, event queues, and VM-specific Remote Procedure Call between a guest OS and a host OS. The experimental results revealed that a guest OS outsourcing the socket layer achieved the same network throughp...
Hideki Eiraku, Yasushi Shinjo, Calton Pu, Younggyu
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SAC
Authors Hideki Eiraku, Yasushi Shinjo, Calton Pu, Younggyun Koh, Kazuhiko Kato
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