

Latency-aware leader election

14 years 7 months ago
Latency-aware leader election
Experimental studies have shown that electing a leader based on measurements of the underlying communication network can be beneficial. We use this approach to study the problem of electing a leader that is eventually not only correct ured by the Ω failure detector abstraction), but also optimal with respect to the transmission delays to its peers. We give the definitions of this problem and a suitable model, thus allowing us to make an analytical analysis of the problem, which is in contrast to previous work on that topic. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.4D [Computer-Communication Networks]: Distributed Systems Keywords Analytical Analysis, Leader Election, Distributed Algorithms
Nuno Santos, Martin Hutle, André Schiper
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SAC
Authors Nuno Santos, Martin Hutle, André Schiper
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