The contribution presented herein proposes an adaptive genetic algorithm applied to quantum logic circuit synthesis that, dynamically adjusts its control parameters. The adaptation is based oil statistical data analysis for each genetic operator type in order to offer the appropriate exploration at, algorithm runtime without, user intervention. The applied performance measurement attempts to highlight the "good" parameters and to introduce all intuitive meaning for the statistical results. The, experimental results indicate an important synthesis runtime speedup. Moreover, while other GA approaches can only tackle the synthesis for quantum circuits over a small number of qubits, this algorithm can be employed for circuits that, process up to 5-6 qubits. ISSN 0302-9743 Record 2 of 20 Title Floating Point Multiplication Rounding Schemes for Interval Arithmetic Author(s) Amaricai, A; Vladutiu, M; Udrescu, M; Prodan, L; Boncalo, O Source 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLICATI...