

A Study of Bare PC Web Server Performance for Workloads with Dynamic and Static Content

14 years 7 months ago
A Study of Bare PC Web Server Performance for Workloads with Dynamic and Static Content
—Bare PC applications do not use an operating system or kernel. The bare PC architecture avoids buffer copying, minimizes interrupts, uses a single thread of execution for processing network packets, and incorporates novel scheduling to minimize CPU utilization. We design a bare PC Web server that can serve both dynamic and static content. Measurements of response time, connection time and throughput for workloads containing requests for dynamic and static content indicate that the server has better performance than the Apache and IIS Web servers. For example, the bare PC server has a maximum request rate that is twice that of the Apache and IIS servers when serving dynamic content for small dataset sizes. Furthermore, at capacity the CPU utilization of the bare PC server is 1/5th that of the other servers. The bare PC server can also sustain a higher maximum request rate for dynamic pages with a given request rate for static pages. The studies demonstrate that the performance of the...
Long He, Ramesh K. Karne, Alexander L. Wijesinha,
Added 25 Jul 2010
Updated 25 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where HPCC
Authors Long He, Ramesh K. Karne, Alexander L. Wijesinha, Ali Emdadi
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