

Services Inside the Smart Home: A Simulation and Visualization Tool

14 years 7 months ago
Services Inside the Smart Home: A Simulation and Visualization Tool
Abstract. Pervasive systems, and domotics in particular, is an application area where heterogeneity is the norm, with thousands of autonomous heterogeneous devices live together and need to interoperate. One of the greatest difficulties in developing middleware for smart homes is that this kind of systems are extremely difficult to test and verify. We propose to reduce the testing costs by replacing actual home services with virtual stubs behaving as if they were actual hardware installed somewhere in the house and, most importantly, to visualize the behaviour of the home to give the user the impression and feedback of being in a real home.
Elena Lazovik, Piet den Dulk, Martijn de Groote, A
Added 25 Jul 2010
Updated 25 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Elena Lazovik, Piet den Dulk, Martijn de Groote, Alexander Lazovik, Marco Aiello
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