

What Does Digital Straightness Tell about Digital Convexity?

14 years 7 months ago
What Does Digital Straightness Tell about Digital Convexity?
Abstract. The paper studies local convexity properties of parts of digital boundaries. An online and linear-time algorithm is introduced for the decomposition of a digital boundary into convex and concave parts. In addition, other data are computed at the same time without any extra cost: the hull of each convex or concave part as well as the Bezout points of each edge of those hulls. The proposed algorithm involves wellunderstood algorithms: adding a point to the front or removing a point from the back of a digital straight segment and computing the set of maximal segments. The output of the algorithm is useful either for a polygonal representation of digital boundaries or for a segmentation into circular arcs.
Tristan Roussillon, Laure Tougne, Isabelle Sivigno
Added 26 Jul 2010
Updated 26 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Tristan Roussillon, Laure Tougne, Isabelle Sivignon
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