

Temporal Planning in Dynamic Environments for P-CLAIM Agents

14 years 7 months ago
Temporal Planning in Dynamic Environments for P-CLAIM Agents
—Time and uncertainty of the environment are very important aspects in the development of real world applications. Another important issue for the real world agents is, the balance between deliberation and reactivity. But most of the agent oriented programming languages ignore some or all of these important aspects. In this paper we try to fill this gap by presenting an extension to the architecture of CLAIM agent oriented programming language to endow the agents with the planning capability. We remove the assumption that agents’ actions are instantaneous. We are interested in the temporal planning of on the fly goals. A coherrent framework is proposed in which agents are able to generate, monitor and repair their temporal plans. Our proposed framework creates a balance between reactivity and deliberation. This work could be considered as a first step towards a complete temporal planning solution for an AOP language.
Muhammad Adnan Hashmi, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni
Added 26 Jul 2010
Updated 26 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where LADS
Authors Muhammad Adnan Hashmi, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni
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