We present a simple algorithm for the maximum spanning star forest problem. We take advantage of the fact that the problem is a special case of complementary set cover and we adapt an algorithm of Duh and F¨urer in order to solve it. We prove that this algorithm computes 193/240 ≈ 0.804-approximate spanning star forests; this result improves a previous lower bound of 0.71 by Chen et al. Although the algorithm is purely combinatorial, our analysis defines a linear program that uses a parameter f and which is feasible for values of the parameter f not smaller than the approximation ratio of the algorithm. The analysis is tight and, interestingly, it also applies to complementary versions of set cover such as color saving; it yields the same approximation guarantee of 193/240 that marginally improves the previously known upper bound of Duh and F¨urer. We also show that, in general, a natural class of local search algorithms do not provide better than 1/2-approximate spanning star for...