

A Kernel Framework for Protein Residue Annotation

14 years 7 months ago
A Kernel Framework for Protein Residue Annotation
Abstract. Over the last decade several prediction methods have been developed for determining structural and functional properties of individual protein residues using sequence and sequence-derived information. Most of these methods are based on support vector machines as they provide accurate and generalizable prediction models. We developed a general purpose protein residue annotation toolkit (ProSAT) to allow biologists to formulate residue-wise prediction problems. ProSAT formulates annotation problem as a classification or regression problem using support vector machines. For every residue ProSAT captures local information (any sequence-derived information) around the reside to create fixed length feature vectors. ProSAT implements accurate and fast kernel functions, and also introduces a flexible window-based encoding scheme that allows better capture of signals for certain prediction problems. In this work we evaluate the performance of ProSAT on the disorder prediction and c...
Huzefa Rangwala, Christopher Kauffman, George Kary
Added 26 Jul 2010
Updated 26 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Huzefa Rangwala, Christopher Kauffman, George Karypis
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