

Nonlocal Edge-Directed Interpolation

14 years 6 months ago
Nonlocal Edge-Directed Interpolation
In this paper, we proposed a new edge-directed image interpolation algorithm which can preserve the edge features and natural appearance of images efficiently. In the proposed scheme, we first get a close-form solution of the optimal interpolation coefficients under the sense of minimal mean square error by exploiting autoregressive model (AR) and the geometric duality between the low-resolution and high-resolution images .Then the coefficients of the Nonlocal Edge-directed interpolation (NLEDI) are derived with structure similarity in images, which are solutions of weighted least square equations. The new image interpolation approach preserves spatial coherence of the interpolated images better than the existing methods and it outperforms the other methods in terms of objective and subjective image quality.
Xinfeng Zhang, Siwei Ma, Yongbing Zhang, Li Zhang,
Added 26 Jul 2010
Updated 26 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where PCM
Authors Xinfeng Zhang, Siwei Ma, Yongbing Zhang, Li Zhang, Wen Gao
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