

Objective vs. Subjective Evaluation of Speakers with and without Complete Dentures

14 years 7 months ago
Objective vs. Subjective Evaluation of Speakers with and without Complete Dentures
Abstract. For dento-oral rehabilitation of edentulous (toothless) patients, speech intelligibility is an important criterion. 28 persons read a standardized text once with and once without wearing complete dentures. Six experienced raters evaluated the intelligibility subjectively on a 5-point scale and the voice on the 4-point Roughness-Breathiness-Hoarseness (RBH) scales. Objective evaluation was performed by Support Vector Regression (SVR) on the word accuracy (WA) and word recognition rate (WR) of a speech recognition system, and a set of 95 word-based prosodic features. The word accuracy combined with selected prosodic features showed a correlation of up to r = 0.65 to the subjective ratings for patients with dentures and r = 0.72 for patients without dentures. For the RBH scales, however, the average correlation of the feature subsets to the subjective ratings for both types of recordings was r < 0.4.
Tino Haderlein, Tobias Bocklet, Andreas Maier, Elm
Added 27 Jul 2010
Updated 27 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where TSD
Authors Tino Haderlein, Tobias Bocklet, Andreas Maier, Elmar Nöth, Christian Knipfer, Florian Stelzle
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