

On-Line Variable Sized Covering

14 years 7 months ago
On-Line Variable Sized Covering
We consider one-dimensional and multi-dimensional vector covering with variable sized bins. In the one-dimensional case, we consider variable sized bin covering with bounded item sizes. For every finite set of bins B, and upper bound 1/m on the size of items for some integer m, we define a ratio r(B, m). We prove this is the best possible competitive ratio for the set of bins B and the parameter m, by giving both an algorithm with competitive ratio r(B, m), and an upper bound of r(B, m) on the competitive ratio of any on-line deterministic or randomized algorithm. The ratio satisfies r(B, m) ≥ m/(m + 1), and
Leah Epstein
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Leah Epstein
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