

Local Holism

14 years 7 months ago
Local Holism
Abstract. This paper is devoted to discuss a general tendency in contextualism which is known as "radical contextualism". In the first part I state the well known paradox of semantic holism, as discussed in philosophy of language: if meaning is holistic there is no possibility to share any meaning. In the second part I present the different answers to this paradox, from atomism to different forms of holism. In the third part I give a criticism of the traditional interpretation of Wittgenstein as a supporter of global holism. I stress some similarities between Wittgenstein's thought and Multi Context theories in artificial inteligence. In the last part I give some argument against a rigid interpretation of "local holism": I claim the need to give restrictions to local holim and to develop a study of the connections between "default" properties and high level rules which are studied in Multi-Context theories. 1 The paradox of semantic holism The work of...
Carlo Penco
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Carlo Penco
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