

A Theory of Spatio-Temporal Database Queries

14 years 7 months ago
A Theory of Spatio-Temporal Database Queries
Abstract. We address a fundamental question concerning spatio-temporal database systems: “What are exactly spatio-temporal queries?” We define spatio-temporal queries to be computable mappings that are also generic, meaning that the result of a query may only depend to a limited extent on the actual internal representation of the spatio-temporal data. Genericity is defined as invariance under transformations that preserve certain characteristics of spatio-temporal data (e.g., collinearity, distance, velocity, acceleration, ...) that are relevant to a database user. These transformations also respect the monotone nature of time. We investigate different genericity classes relative to the constraint database model for spatio-temporal databases and we identify sound and complete languages for the first-order, respectively the computable, queries in these genericity classes.
Floris Geerts, Sofie Haesevoets, Bart Kuijpers
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where DBPL
Authors Floris Geerts, Sofie Haesevoets, Bart Kuijpers
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