

Knowledge Navigation on Visualizing Complementary Documents

14 years 5 months ago
Knowledge Navigation on Visualizing Complementary Documents
Abstract. It is an up-to-date challenge to get answers for novel questions which nobody has ever considered. Such a question is too rare to be satisfied with a past single document. In this paper, we propose a new framework of knowledge navigation by graphically providing with multiple documents relevant to a user’s question. Our implemented system named MACLOD generates several navigational plans, each forming a complementary document-set, not a single document, for navigating a user to understanding a novel question. The obtained plans are mapped into a 2-dimensional interface where documents in each obtained document-set are connected with links in order to support user selecting a plan smoothly. In experiments, the method obtained satisfactory answers to user’s unique questions.
Naohiro Matsumura, Yukio Ohsawa, Mitsuru Ishizuka
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where DIS
Authors Naohiro Matsumura, Yukio Ohsawa, Mitsuru Ishizuka
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