

Just Business -Shouldn't We Have Some Fun?

14 years 5 months ago
Just Business -Shouldn't We Have Some Fun?
Information Technology has changed our life and society already to such an extent that even our visions cannot exist without technology and its applications. And this change is accelerating. The Web and the related ecommerce phenomena – as Web based e-commerce – is just the “latest” example of this development. But with respect to e-commerce we should distinguish two things: the (today disappointed) expectations with the related “hype”, and that what really happens. However, this raises several serious difficulties: the problem to identify the current stage of development, the definition of the phenomena we speak about, and finally, what does this mean for the (near) future. Thus, this contribution raises more questions than providing answers. In doing so, I will use the travel and tourism industry as an example. And this highlights one important aspect we shouldn’t forget: Fun.
Hannes Werthner
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Hannes Werthner
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