

Fusion Approaches for Mappings between Heterogeneous Ontologies

14 years 5 months ago
Fusion Approaches for Mappings between Heterogeneous Ontologies
Ordering principles of digital libraries expressed in ontologies may be highly heterogeneous even within a domain and especially over different cultures. Automatic methods for mappings between different ontologies are necessary to ensure successful retrieval of information stored in virtual digital libraries. Text categorization has discussed learning methods to map between full text terms and thesaurus descriptors. This article reports some experiments for the mapping between different ontologies and shows further that fusion methods which have been successfully applied to ad-hoc information retrieval can also be employed for text categorization.
Thomas Mandl, Christa Womser-Hacker
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Thomas Mandl, Christa Womser-Hacker
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