We check statically whether it is safe for untrusted foreign machine code to be loaded into a trusted host system. (Here “safety” means that the program abides by a memory-access policy that is supplied on the host side.) Our technique works on ordinary machine code, and mechanically synthesizes (and verifies) a safety proof. Our earlier work along these lines was based on a C-like type system, which does not suffice for machine code whose origin is C++ source code. In the present paper, we address this limitation with an improved typestate system and introduce several new techniques, including: summarizing the effects of function calls so that our analysis can stop at trusted boundaries, inferring information about the sizes and types of stack-allocated arrays, and a symbolic range analysis for propagating information about array bounds. These techniques make our approach to safety checking more precise, more efficient, and able to handle a larger collection of real-life code ...
Zhichen Xu, Thomas W. Reps, Barton P. Miller