

A Real-Time Execution Semantics for UML Activity Diagrams

14 years 7 months ago
A Real-Time Execution Semantics for UML Activity Diagrams
We define a formal execution semantics for UML activity diagrams that is appropriate for workflow modelling. Our semantics is aimed at the requirements level by assuming that software state changes do not take time. It is based upon the Statemate semantics of statecharts, extended with some transactional properties to deal with data manipulation. Our semantics also deals with real-time and multiple state instances. We first give an informal description of our semantics and then formalise this in terms of transition systems.
Rik Eshuis, Roel Wieringa
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where FASE
Authors Rik Eshuis, Roel Wieringa
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