Abstract—Advanced network and media applications such as multimedia streaming and Internet telephony are becoming an integral part of the Internet. Reservation protocols, such as RSVP have been defined, to provide the necessary Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. A significant drawback of RSVP is its implementation complexity and high end-to-end reservation delay. Pan et. al. proposed a simpler reservation protocol, called YESSIR, which is sender-initiated and tightly integrated with RTP. This paper proposes an extension to YESSIR, called M-YESSIR, to cover the special needs of mobile applicatons. This paper describes the design of M-YESSIR and also provides an extensive comparison with other similar protocols. We also propose a Mobile Call Admission Control(M-CAC) scheme to preserve key M-RSVP functionality with lower protocol overhead. Experimental results of a prototype implementation are also presented. Keywords—Resource reservation protocol, YESSIR, Mobile IP, senderinitiat...