

Enhancing Synchronous Distance Education with Pervasive Devices

14 years 7 months ago
Enhancing Synchronous Distance Education with Pervasive Devices
Abstract. In this paper we present a system that enhances typical synchronous teleteaching environments. The key idea is to compensate the lack of social awareness and interactivity of a telelecture by allowing students to use hand-held devices and wireless communication to interact with the lecturer and with other students. One example of the interactions enabled by the system is a feedback mechanism that allows the students to provide the lecturer with information about how the speed and difficulty of a lecture is perceived by the students. Another example is the ability of the lecturer to hold quizzes with the distributed audience. The system has been implemented as a prototype and it is currently being evaluated in regular lectures at the University of Mannheim.
Martin Mauve, Nicolai Scheele, Werner Geyer
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where GI
Authors Martin Mauve, Nicolai Scheele, Werner Geyer
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