

Triangle surfaces with discrete equivalence classes

14 years 5 months ago
Triangle surfaces with discrete equivalence classes
We propose a technique that takes a triangulated surface as input and outputs a surface with the same topology but altered geometry such that each polygon falls into a set of discrete equivalence classes. We begin by describing an error function that measures how close the polygons are to satisfying this criteria. To optimize this error function, we first cluster triangles into discrete sets such that the assignment of sets minimizes our error. We then find canonical polygons for each set using nonlinear optimization. Next, we solve a Poisson equation to find positions of vertices such that the surface polygons match the canonical polygons as close as possible. We also describe how to incorporate a fairness criteria into the optimization to avoid oscillations of the surface. We iterate this entire process until we reach a user specified tolerance, possibly adding clusters during iteration to guarantee convergence. We have been able to successfully reduce the number of unique trian...
Mayank Singh, Scott Schaefer
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 29 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Mayank Singh, Scott Schaefer
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