

Interactive hair rendering under environment lighting

14 years 4 months ago
Interactive hair rendering under environment lighting
We present an algorithm for interactive hair rendering with both single and multiple scattering effects under complex environment lighting. The outgoing radiance due to single scattering is determined by the integral of the product of the environment lighting, the scattering function, and the transmittance that accounts for selfshadowing among hair fibers. We approximate the environment light by a set of spherical radial basis functions (SRBFs) and thus convert the outgoing radiance integral into the sum of radiance contributions of all SRBF lights. For each SRBF light, we factor out the effective transmittance to represent the radiance integral as the product of two terms: the transmittance and the convolution of the SRBF light and the scattering function. Observing that the convolution term is independent of the hair geometry, we precompute it for commonly-used scattering models, and reduce the run-time computation to table lookups. We further propose a technique, called the convol...
Zhong Ren, Kun Zhou, Tengfei Li, Wei Hua, Baining
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 29 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Zhong Ren, Kun Zhou, Tengfei Li, Wei Hua, Baining Guo
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