

Helping a CBR Program Know What It Knows

14 years 7 months ago
Helping a CBR Program Know What It Knows
Case-based reasoning systems need to know the limitations of their expertise. Having found the known source cases most relevant to a target problem, they must assess whether those cases are similar enough to the problem to warrant venturing advice. In experimenting with SIROCCO, a twostage case-based retrieval program that uses structural mapping to analyze and provide advice on engineering ethics cases, we concluded that it would sometimes be better for the program to admit that it lacks the knowledge to suggest relevant codes and past source cases. We identified and encoded three strategic metarules to help it decide. The metarules leverage incrementally deeper knowledge about SIROCCO's matching algorithm to help the program "know what it knows." Experiments demonstrate that the metarules can improve the program's overall advice-giving performance.
Bruce M. McLaren, Kevin D. Ashley
Added 29 Jul 2010
Updated 29 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Bruce M. McLaren, Kevin D. Ashley
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