

A Modular Software Architecture for Real-Time Video Processing

14 years 4 months ago
A Modular Software Architecture for Real-Time Video Processing
An increasing number of computer vision applications require on-line processing of data streams, preferably in real-time. This trend is fueled by the mainstream availability of low cost imaging devices, and the steady increase in computing power. To meet these requirements, applications should manipulate data streams in concurrent processing environments, taking into consideration scheduling, planning and synchronization issues. Those can be solved in specialized systems using ad hoc designs and implementations, that sacrifice flexibility and generality for performance. Instead, we propose a generic, extensible, modular software architecture. The cornerstone of this architecture is the Flow Scheduling Framework (FSF), an extensible set of classes that provide basic synchronization functionality and control mechanisms to develop data-stream processing components. Applications are built in a data-flow programming model, as the specification of data streams flowing through processing node...
Alexandre R. J. François, Gérard G.
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where ICVS
Authors Alexandre R. J. François, Gérard G. Medioni
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