

A Modern Approach to Searching the World Wide Web: Ranking Pages by Inference over Content

14 years 7 months ago
A Modern Approach to Searching the World Wide Web: Ranking Pages by Inference over Content
The Hypertext-based Webs such as Intranets contain a vast amount of information pertaining to an enormous number of subjects. It is, however, an organically grown and thus essentially structureless environment that is in a constant state of flux. Therefore, finding useful information pertaining to a particular topic is oftentimes a difficult task. Search engines were designed with the intent of easing the burden on the individuals perusing the Web for specific topics. Traditionally, Web search engines have used straightforward–and relatively naïve–approaches towards indexing and ranking pages pertaining to a particular subject. As our understanding of hyperlinked environments has improved, algorithmic tools have been developed that more effectively distill the plethora of information that exists within this environment. We will briefly discuss the history of the World Wide Web, the approaches employed by “traditional” search engines, and how alternative techniques can improve ...
Bronson Trevor, Edgar Weippl, Werner Winiwarter
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where INAP
Authors Bronson Trevor, Edgar Weippl, Werner Winiwarter
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