

Fragmentary Pattern Matching: Complexity, Algorithms and Applications for Analyzing Classic Literary Works

14 years 5 months ago
Fragmentary Pattern Matching: Complexity, Algorithms and Applications for Analyzing Classic Literary Works
A fragmentary pattern is a multiset of non-empty strings, and it matches a string w if all the strings in it occur within w without any overlaps. We study some fundamental issues on computational complexity related to the matching of fragmentary patterns. We show that the fragmentary pattern matching problem is NP-complete, and the problem to find a fragmentary pattern common to two strings that maximizes the pattern score is NP-hard. Moreover, we propose a polynomialtime approximation algorithm for the fragmentary pattern matching, and show that it achieves a constant worst-case approximation ratio if either the strings in a pattern have the same length, or the importance weights of strings in a pattern are proportional to their lengths.
Hideaki Hori, Shinichi Shimozono, Masayuki Takeda,
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Hideaki Hori, Shinichi Shimozono, Masayuki Takeda, Ayumi Shinohara
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