

Score Processing For MIR

14 years 7 months ago
Score Processing For MIR
The focus of this paper is on the design and use of a music score representation. The structure of the representation is discussed and illustrated with sample algorithms, including some from music information retrieval. The score representation was designed for the development of general algorithms and applications. The common container-iterator paradigm is used, in which the score is modelled as a container of objects, such as clefs, key signatures, time signatures, notes, rests and barlines. Access to objects within the score is achieved through iterators. These iterators provide the developer with a mechanism for accessing the information content of the score. The iterators are designed to achieve a high level of data hiding, so that the user is shielded from the substantial underlying complexity of score representation, while at the same time, having access to the score’s full information content.
Donncha Ó. Maidín
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Donncha Ó. Maidín
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