

Adaptive Agents in Argumentation-Based Negotiation

14 years 7 months ago
Adaptive Agents in Argumentation-Based Negotiation
The paper presents a multi-agent system that comprises a society of self-interested agents that use argumentation-based negotiation to reach agreements regarding cooperation and goal satisfaction. The system is a generalization of some argumentation-based multi-agent systems proposed in the literature in which better cooperation agreements are reached through the use of human-like arguments. We then shows how this type of negotiation can be adapted according to evolved models of other agents in the system. Negotiation is performed using different types of arguments varying from quantitative ones, such as money or trade objects, to qualitative arguments, such as promises, appeal to past promises, and past examples. The models of the other agents are built and refined incrementally during negotiation; these models are then used to adapt the negotiation strategy according to other agents' desires, preferences and behavioral characteristics during interactions.
Cosmin Carabelea
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where MASA
Authors Cosmin Carabelea
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