

An RDF Framework for Resource Discovery

14 years 7 months ago
An RDF Framework for Resource Discovery
Resource discovery is a problem common to almost all distributed systems. Instead of resulting in a one or a small number of discovery mechanisms, completely different and incompatible discovery services have proliferated. It can be reasonably argued that a discovery protocol optimised for small wireless LANs, such as Bluetooth piconets, is unlikely to be suitable for enterprise scale networks or the Web. Drawing inspiration from the database community's success with standardising APIs, data models and query languages, we propose a protocol independent framework based on RDF. The framework consists of a flexible data model, metadata API and query language. General Terms Algorithms, Management. Keywords RDF, Discovery Protocols, SLP.
Franklin Reynolds
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Franklin Reynolds
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