

Security for Distributed E-Service Composition

14 years 4 months ago
Security for Distributed E-Service Composition
Current developments show that tomorrow’s information systems and applications will no longer be based on monolithic architectures that encompass all the functionality. Rather, the emerging need for distribution and quick adaptation to new requirements stemming from, e.g., virtual enterprises, demands distributed systems that can be extended dynamically to compose new services from existing software components. However, usage of mobile code introduces specific security concerns which a security system must be aware of. We present a comprehensive security architecture for extensible, distributed systems using the example of an Internet query processing service which can be extended by user-defined operators. Before an operator is actually used in queries for the first time, our OperatorCheck server validates its semantics and analyzes its quality. This is done semi-automatically using an oracle-based approach to compare a formal specification of an operator against its implementat...
Stefan Seltzsam, Stephan Börzsönyi, Alfo
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where TES
Authors Stefan Seltzsam, Stephan Börzsönyi, Alfons Kemper
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