

RIGR - A Repository Model Based Approach to Management

14 years 7 months ago
RIGR - A Repository Model Based Approach to Management
: Organizations with large integrated computer-based systems are often faced with the challenge of evolving their mission-critical systems in a manner that maximizes reuse opportunities, minimizes redundancies, and addresses business goals. To support these goals system developers must be provided with tools that allow them effectively assess the impact of change across the systems (impact analyses), identify reuse opportunities (reuse analyses), identify gaps in existing system functionalities (gap analyses), and identify redundancies (redundancy analyses). In this paper we discuss some of the issues related to implementing a model-based repository capable of supporting Redundancy, Impact, Gap, and Reuse (RIGR) analyses.
Ray Trask, Robert B. France
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where UML
Authors Ray Trask, Robert B. France
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