

Visual Web Information Extraction with Lixto

14 years 7 months ago
Visual Web Information Extraction with Lixto
We present new techniques for supervised wrapper generation and automated web information extraction, and a system called Lixto implementing these techniques. Our system can generate wrappers which translate relevant pieces of HTML pages into XML. Lixto, of which a working prototype has been implemented, assists the user to semi-automatically create wrapper programs by providing a fully visual and interactive user interface. In this convenient user-interface very expressive extraction programs can be created. Internally, this functionality is reflected by the new logicbased declarative language Elog. Users never have to deal with Elog and even familiarity with HTML is not required. Lixto can be used to create an “XML-Companion” for an HTML web page with changing content, containing the continually updated XML translation of the relevant information.
Robert Baumgartner, Sergio Flesca, Georg Gottlob
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where VLDB
Authors Robert Baumgartner, Sergio Flesca, Georg Gottlob
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