

Hyperqueries: Dynamic Distributed Query Processing on the Internet

14 years 5 months ago
Hyperqueries: Dynamic Distributed Query Processing on the Internet
In this paper we propose a new framework for dynamic distributed query processing based on so-called HyperQueries which are essentially query evaluation sub-plans “sitting behind” hyperlinks. We illustrate the flexibility of this distributed query processing architecture in the context of B2B electronic market places. Architecting an electronic market place as a data warehouse by integrating all the data from all participating enterprises in one centralized repository incurs severe problems. Using HyperQueries, application integration is achieved via dynamic distributed query evaluation plans. The electronic market place serves as an intermediary between clients and providers executing their sub-queries referenced via hyperlinks. The hyperlinks are embedded within data objects of the intermediary’s database. Retrieving such a virtual object will automatically initiate the execution of the referenced HyperQuery in order to materialize the entire object. Thus, sensitive data rema...
Alfons Kemper, Christian Wiesner
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where VLDB
Authors Alfons Kemper, Christian Wiesner
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