

Policy Mediation for Multi-Enterprise Environments

14 years 4 months ago
Policy Mediation for Multi-Enterprise Environments
Existing software infrastructures and middleware provide uniform security services across heterogeneous information networks. However, few, if any, tools exist that support access control policy management for and between large enterprise information networks. Insiders often exploit gaps in policies to mount devastating attacks. This paper presents a Policy Machine and Policy Mediation Architecture for coordinating diverse policies in large information networks. The language-based approach adopted by each of these technologies permits local and global access control policy validation with static analysis and other formal techniques. Together, the Policy Machine and Policy Mediation Architecture comprise an effective system for closing policy gaps in multi-enterprise environments.
Pablo Galiasso, Oliver Bremer, John Hale, Sujeet S
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Pablo Galiasso, Oliver Bremer, John Hale, Sujeet Shenoi, David F. Ferraiolo, Vincent C. Hu
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