

Building Flexible Mobile Applications for Next Generation Enterprises

14 years 7 months ago
Building Flexible Mobile Applications for Next Generation Enterprises
In order to understand and gain practical insights into various aspects of Next Generation Enterprises, we are building a testbed for flexible mobile applications. We started with a generic architecture and used it to build different applications in different domains. Our testbed consists of a multi-tiered architecture incorporating various user interfaces and access technologies, middleware components, enterprise integration systems, supply chain management and a host of currently emerging technologies. The first application we have developed is an information application for Olympics to provide personalized information for mobile users through a variety of end-user devices. The second experiment is a typical e-commerce online purchasing application that uses mobile agents (brokers) to buy products from multiple suppliers based on user specified criteria. The third example demonstrates a typical workflow scenario that may be needed in a highly collaborative and reliable NGE environme...
Karun Karunanithi, Khurram Haneef, Bruno Cordioli,
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Karun Karunanithi, Khurram Haneef, Bruno Cordioli, Amjad Umar, Ravi Jain
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