

Experiences Reverse Engineering Manually

14 years 7 months ago
Experiences Reverse Engineering Manually
Better understanding manual reverse engineering can make it and any associated systems reengineering more effective. We reverse engineered a version of a system (referred to as "BOS/X") in support of a broader reengineering effort. System reengineering goals and other circumstances dictated a focused, limited duration, manual reverse engineering exercise. This presented an opportunity to study the BOS/X reverse engineering separately from other reengineering activities. We studied the BOS/X reverse engineering, the results achieved, and some limited reverse engineering metrics. This paper describes the: systems reengineering context; circumstances preventing application of automated techniques and motivating manual reverse engineering; reverse engineering process developed; BOS/X reverse engineering goals; evolution of the reverse engineering products; reverse engineering results; resources required to produce the results; and an evaluation of the reverse engineering effecti...
Dave Swafford, Diana Elman, Peter Aiken, Jeff Merh
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where CSMR
Authors Dave Swafford, Diana Elman, Peter Aiken, Jeff Merhout
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