

Categorical Representation and Recognition of Oscillatory Motion Patterns

14 years 7 months ago
Categorical Representation and Recognition of Oscillatory Motion Patterns
Many communicative behaviors in the animal kingdom consist of performing and recognizing specialized patterns of oscillatory motion. Here we present an approach to the representation and recognition of these oscillatory motions based on the categorical organizationof a simple sinusoidal model having very specific and limited parameter values. This characterization is used to specify the types and layout of computation for recognizing the patterns. Results of the method are demonstrated with real oscillatory motions showing the viability ofa structured categoricalframework.
James W. Davis, Whitman Richards, Aaron F. Bobick
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where CVPR
Authors James W. Davis, Whitman Richards, Aaron F. Bobick
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