

Scheduling for Very Large Virtual Environments and Networked Games Using Visibility and Priorities

14 years 7 months ago
Scheduling for Very Large Virtual Environments and Networked Games Using Visibility and Priorities
The problem of network bundwidth limitutions is encountered in ulmost uny distributed virtuul environment or networkedgume. In U typicul client-serversetup, where the virtuul world is munuged by U server and replicated by connected clients which visualize the scene, the server must repeatedly trunsmit updute messuges to the clients. By employing visibility informution, the number of messages trunsmitted over the network cun be reduced by sending euch client only updute messuges for objects which ure visiblefiom the viewpoint of the client. Thispuper presents U technique thut ullows the server to manuge the trunsmission of updute messugesfor euch client with U constunt overheud, reducing overull compututionul cost to U linear eflort. We show how the server cun employ visibility informution to schedule ull objects using the Priority Round-Robin ulgorithm. This algorithm is further enhunced with uctivity monitoring that provides U gruceful degrudution of the system's performance, ev...
Chris Faisstnauer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purg
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where DSRT
Authors Chris Faisstnauer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purgathofer
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