

A Component-Driven Architecture for Internet-Based, Directly Reactive Information Systems

14 years 4 months ago
A Component-Driven Architecture for Internet-Based, Directly Reactive Information Systems
In this paper we focus on the architecture-based development of what we call directly reactive information systems on the Internet. These systems exhibit full content management of a, possibly distributed, multimedia information archive and provide for the integration of internal with external workflows. They are built to serve as open communications platform for a web-wide audience that is also involved in building, modifying, and restructuring the contents provided. All changes to the information archive have to be executed and reflected to the audience within on-line compatible time-limits. Based on an actual project, the MPDB project at FSU, we derive a reference architecture for this family of systems and refine it into a concrete application design. We present our solution to the DBMS management problem, inherent to this system type, and motivate the use of the components library that was developed for this task. A short look at technological alternatives to implement the archit...
René Stolle, Wilhelm Rossak, Vassilka Kirov
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ECBS
Authors René Stolle, Wilhelm Rossak, Vassilka Kirova
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