

Early-release fair scheduling

14 years 5 months ago
Early-release fair scheduling
We present a variant of Pfair scheduling, which we call early-release fair (ERfair) scheduling. Like conventional Pfair scheduling, ERfair scheduling algorithms can be applied to optimally schedule periodic tasks on a multiprocessor system in polynomial time. However, ERfair scheduling di ers from Pfair scheduling in that it is work conserving. As a result, average job response times may be much lower under ERfair scheduling than under Pfair scheduling, particularly in lightly-loaded systems. In addition, runtime costs are lower under ERfair scheduling. This is because, in Pfair-scheduled systems, signi cant bookkeeping information is required to determine when a job of a task is and is not eligible for execution. In an ERfair system, this bookkeeping information is not required because, once released, a job continues to be eligible until it completes. To the best of our knowledge, ERfair scheduling is the rst truly work-conserving scheduling discipline for periodic task systems that ...
James H. Anderson, Anand Srinivasan
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors James H. Anderson, Anand Srinivasan
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